Dear Purley business owner:
Following last nights announcement from the government about further restrictions due to COVID at what should be retail and entertainment busiest period Purley BID has just been in a meeting with Croydon Council, Croydon BID and others about the new restrictions.
Clearly, there will be a further impact on footfall as people are advised to work from home again, but businesses are left open as usual. This is all done with no additional government support for the businesses.
Huge impact to Purley businesses
This is our busiest part of our year and yet another huge knock to consumer confidence.
Purley continues to be safe to shop, eat, drink and have beauty treatments and is one of only two business districts within Croydon with on-street hand sanitisers. Plus Purley Businesses have all been exceptional with regards to ensuring safety measures are put in place.
As this is not a lockdown, our business will continue to deliver their safety procedures and also reassure customers that they will be in a safe establishment.
As Events, entertainment and treatments can still continue, the advice is currently to confirm bookings, reassure customers and let them know we are all looking forward to seeing them.
What we can do
Please also use social media, email and whatever engagement channels you have to engage and reassure your customer and promote yourself, now more so than ever.
We have also been advised that it is the businesses duty is to put signs about face mask-wearing, but it is not their responsibility to ensure that they are actually worn as this can be a highly volatile situation as frustrations rise.
Purley BID will continue to provide support and lobby on your behalf.
Support available
We are currently seeing how we can repurpose the “Additional restrictions grant”, that is available for Croydon businesses, to be put to best use.
If you need advice from the Croydon Covid Marshall please contact them via and they will be happy to pop down and provide support.
Some food businesses may think now about going online if they have not already. If you need support in getting the right hygiene rating, to go online, please contact who will look to prioritise you so you can go online as soon as possible.
Please look for council support at:
Further support is available via:
And to make sure you know first if any further grants become available sign up the council newsletter at :
We are advised more advice and support is available at:
Finally, good luck to you all, let’s keep the spirits up. We have become a superb business community and please continue to look after and support each other as these troubling times continue. Purley has proved to be exceptional and I am sure will continue to do so.
In conjunction with our partners, we have delivered a press release challenging the government to support businesses in the expected £4bn shortfall that these latest restrictions are estimated to impact on our industries.
All the best