
Our biggest and best Advent calendar yet. Each day we have great new prizes to win. If the door is open click on “Click here to enter” and then fill in your details in the email. Great food prizes, drinks, beauty treatments, Christmas wreaths and loads more. Come back each day to enter.

Good luck.


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Useful Links for Covid-19 support



Purley Support


We will post links to community support groups as we get them here:

Unprecedented times as these are, Purley BID will be providing business members and the local community updates of the current situation related to Purley.

This is split into:

Business Support

How to access the grants, loans, breaks and other support and how to share lessons learnt and avoid potholes in applying.

Link for Business Support

General Information

A repository of current information provided by Croydon Council, Government, GLA, Police, etc. This will be links and direct shared information. No hearsay or unsubstantiated facts.

Link for General Information

Purley Business Updates

A central place for sharing latest updates and changes to services.

Link for General Information

Community Updates

A central place for accessing community updates.

Link for Community Updates