2022 was yet another hugely successful year for the Purley Business Improvement District (BID) supporting the business district and in turn, making Purley a better place for residents, visitors and businesses.

Purley BID generally delivers its projects to 3 core areas of benefit that are approved by the Purley BID Board. These being 1) Access and Safety 2) Business Support 3) #DestinationPurley
Below is a high level bullet point list of some of the projects that the Purley BID Delivered with relation to:
- Entertainment Week
- Mayor interview
- Bourne Society interview
- Roald Dahl Children’s shows
- Clothes swap event
- Two Comedy nights
- Numerous bands and solo acts
- Elvis tribute act,
- Abba tribute act
- Madonna tribute act
- Buskers
- Mayoral candidate interviews and videos
- Brochure production and distribution
- Purley Pages promotion
- Banners and posters
- Goal to increase network reach achieved
- Purley in Bloom started with clearing, building great relationships with the council and TFL gaining appropriate permissions and social events.
- Network Rail weed and tree removal
- Market restarted
- My Old China updates
- Sainsburys mural
- Meeting and site visit with Mayor and MP on the future of Purley Pool
- High street for all (HSFA) submission in the first phase, one of 32 finalists selected from 130+ applications
- HSFA 2nd phase 1 of a handful from 32 finalists to win a full grant
- HSFA project kick-off – extremely tight timelines and budget
- Several site visits including inside 50 High Street
- Hanging baskets new supplier, summer and winter plants, barrier planters and 5-tier planters
- Years of lobbying TFL for Purley Cross improvement delivered with over 30 new plants planted, followed by the driest summer and Purley in Bloom putting in an awesome shift to save as much as possible
- Applied for funding from Network Rail, for Godstone Road development – results in January
- New hanging baskets in place, biggest and better if not a little late – 1 was not watered
- TFL works – Complete 6000 new plants
- Huge amount of work – with watering both TFL and Bloom
- London in Bloom – BRILLIANT, something to be very proud of – Silver Gilt, 2 points off Gold (deducted due to sustainability) Rotary Field Level 4 – Thriving
- Awards going to businesses that took part
- Jubilee bunting and posters put up
- Jubilee event in Rotary Field – games, picnic competitions, prizes, music and bagpiper
- Christmas lights, liaising with new suppliers and Councillors and replacing broken ones with new ones
- Christmas tree and lights
- Eid banners and posters put up
- Borough of Culture
- Applied to be on the committee
- Lost out to main Ignite Grant Award
- Submitted for numerous medium Ignite Awards
- Lobbying Borough of Culture to represent the whole of the borough
- Heritage map created by Purley Panel
- Purley Trail book being created
- Her Majesty the Queen’s passing, attending Service of Remembrance at Croydon Minster
- Poppies going up
- Supporting Paint Purley Purple
- Mary’s bench memorial service
- Social media growth and management
- Advent calendar