Social Media inPurley

Purley BID has a rather impressive online presence. Obviously, there is the website at  This is where you can find out about all our latest news in our blog posts as well as a directory of businesses and a list of events as to what is happening within the town.

The website will also show all the goals for the Purley BID, all we have achieved over the past few years and we plan to achieve in the future.  You can also contact us on the website by the contact us page.

There are also many other ways we can keep in touch online.  First of all there is the Instagram @inpurleylondon with almost 1000 followers. This is used to share pictures highlighting the work that we’ve done around town.

We have a Purley BID channel on You Tube which shares the videos highlighting the products we have delivered and some of what we plan to do.

Also there is a Twitter page at @inPurley which has almost 2000 followers.

You can also keep up to date with Purley BID on a Facebook at @inPurley it has around 2700 followers and this is where we share many of the businesses Facebook posts so you have a one stop place to view what is happening in the town.

Also on Facebook there is a group called InPurley, there we discuss issues or celebrate successes of the happening within in the town.

We are delighted to welcome the InPurley App to our social reach. This is a fantastic tool for businesses to share offers and for users to find out the latest news, offers and events.

If you wish to get in touch please do it mailing