The Purley Business Improvement District (BID) is delighted to announce it has organised Entertainment Week (28 March – 3 April) alongside Purley establishments to bring together over 45 events in what will be Purley’s most entertaining week ever!
They say “good things come to those who wait”; and it certainly has been a long wait since we’ve been able to go out and enjoy ourselves properly. But, now as the COVID restrictions clear, we can start to see a bright future ahead, so let’s celebrate.
The businesses in Purley have come together to offer a week’s worth of Entertainment including bands, solo artists, tribute acts, comedy shows, quiz nights, poker nights, storytime sessions with loads of offers too from businesses around the town.
It has been a tough time for us all over the past 2 years and this has had a devastating time on the economy and the small businesses that make up the High Street up and down the country.
Our High Street businesses, whether bars, dry cleaners, newsagents, restaurants, estate agents and more are the beating heart of our economy and the lifeblood of our local communities, without them we would be lost. Yet these champions of our town have suffered a once in generational impact on their livelihood.
To help celebrate our Purley heroes, to kick start Purley back to life and to just go out and have a great time, the Purley BID is putting on this week of celebratory events, with a mixture of entertainment, food and drink offers.
We invite you all down to our great town to enjoy all it has to offer and look forward to a brighter future ahead.
Itinerary – Download the InPurley App

For the latest guide to what’s on and the special offers during the week:
- Download the In Purley App from the App Store or Google Play
- Visit our dedicated website
- Follow the Purley BID on social (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) where we’ll be sharing regular updates
Win great prizes
To help celebrate the week, and the launch of the InPurley App, simply download the app by the end of Entertainment Week (3 April) to be in with the chance of winning some great prizes including:
- A meal for two courtesy of Bombaylicious
- 2 hours free cocktails for 2 courtesy of Elliott’s bar and restaurant
- Dinner for 2 at 4Locos
- 2 steaks and a bottle of wine from The Pear Tree
- £20 voucher from Bagels & Waffles
- £30 treatment voucher courtesy of Diane’s Hair & Beauty
- Money plant from Garden Scents
- The Jolly Farmers will also be offering a prize (TBC) – watch this space!
(Individual prize terms & conditions apply)