New lights are lighting up for Christmas in Purley. We really hope that you like them and that you may notice there are now a mixture of the old white “Angels” and the new colourful Christmas trees.
The reason for this is that Purley Churches together has previously owned the Angels, however over the years they get damaged and even if tested as they are taken down they can get damaged in storage. This led to over 40 of the lights being broken last year. This was hugely disappointing.
With the churches unable to manage the arduous task of overseeing the installation of the Christmas lights, they requested that Purley BID take this task over. During the handover, it was agreed that the best option moving forward would be to rent the Christmas lights. This gives the reassurance that all the lights will be working each year and also gives the flexibility to change the designs when we want. There is a slight additional cost in hiring, but overall it weighs up as being the better option.
Purley BID is now funding the lights. This is no small amount and so will be looking at options to help fund the lights taking away the sole burden from the business owners and reducing the risk for if ever the Purley BID stopped running.

Therefore the BID is looking to establish an “Events in Purley” committee. This committee will be looking at supporting and building on the events running in the town. Primarily this will be for the Christmas festivities, such as lights, Christmas tree, Market, Carols etc… However, we also have the Easter parade and egg hunt, the market and for next year the Queen’s Jubilee. It could also include Eid and Diwali celebrations and more. Ultimately, we would like to see the events team as a stand-alone group that along with others report into the Purley Panel coordinating activities across the town.
We know there are so many talented people in Purley, with a wide range of abilities. So we are calling on you to join an “Events in Purley” team. Whether you are young and looking to add something to your CV or you are experienced in management and organisation, all are welcome to help deliver fun and joy across Purley.

Please get in contact by emailing or click the button