Keeping Purley cleaner

We love Purley and we know you do to. With the ever-changing world we need to promote Purley as a destination.

So how do we go about making the town a great destination?

Over the past five years, Purley BID has focussed a lot of time on making and keeping Purley cleaner. Our recent survey continues to echo this sentiment as one of the top three issues that people highlighted is they like to see a clean town.

Here’s an overview of what the BID has been doing over the five year term to keep the town clean.

Graffiti removal

Purley BID patrols the town daily to find and report areas of graffiti and fly tipping. Any issues found need to be acted upon fast. Over the past five years we’ve had over 500+ pieces of graffiti removed.

This generally goes unnoticed because we act so swiftly with our engagement manager hot on the case reporting issues via the council app and checking back in to see that the work has been done.

However, recently the council has had to disband the environmental response team that worked very closely with the BID to remove the graffiti promptly.

For Purley businesses we are fortunate to have the Purley BID who may be able to take on some of this role in hiring contractors to remove the graffiti if no alternative is put in place.

Reporting and removing fly-tipping

It’s not just graffiti, we also report dumped cars ensuring fast removal. As well as reporting broken street furniture to make sure the negative impact is for as short a time as possible.

Belly bins for a cleaner town

The BID has also worked with the council for the placement of the new belly bins. We’ve also requested extra bins to be put in place, which is currently being discussed.

Litter control

We also organise regular littler picks with members of the public and organisations such as the Rotary club.

We have worked with both TFL and Croydon council to reduce litter in Purley Cross and to cutback the vegetation which has proved very effective with regards of the goal of pest control.

Purley BID are also currently working with Network Rail in providing various options to reduce the amount of litter on the embankment on Godstone road with a couple of exciting projects we hope to run in our second term.

Pigeon poop

We are also looking at ways to reduce mess caused by the pigeons as well as trialling the cleaning of the railings.

Deep cleaning

The BID has organised deep cleaning of the pavements, which unfortunately returns mixed results depending on the type of pavement. We have contracted to get regular deep cleaning of the seating and stone roundels around the trees which does have a much more positive impact.

We have also deep cleaned the underpass floor and mosaic on the walls as well as the rotary clock in Purley Cross.

Recently we have also contracted the services on a firm to clean all the shop signs in Purley, this provides a great result and we will look to continue this as a regular service if the vote for the renewal of Purley BID is YES.

Keep your Purley BID

We believe, as you do too, that a cleaner Purley is better for everyone, but all this extra cleaning can only be put in place if the BID get voted in for a second term.

So, if you are a Purley Business owner and you want a cleaner Purley and to see it as a great destination then Vote Yes this November to keep your Purley BID. Read more in our brochure and watch our videos,