Purley Business Improvement District (BID) is here to do exactly as it says on the tin: to improve business in the Purley business district.
This is achieved by investing the levy money equivalent to 2% of the business rates back into the town under the direction of the Purley BID board. The board is made up of local business owners or representatives of the levy payer. The makeup of the board is as much as possible reflective of the diverse businesses in Purley. It tries to reflect the different geographical areas as well as commercial, retail and night time economy.
We welcome input to ensure that the Purley BID is delivering to the needs of the businesses. Business owners and managers are welcome to attend our board meetings, this is an open invite, however please do get in touch first to reserve your place.
The board meetings are held every two months on a Tuesday at 12:30 for 1hr 30mins. This is where the board members direct the delivery team as to the projects they should be working on. We look to assign board members responsibilities to reflect the key areas of the BID delivery. These are:
1. Access and parking
2. Business engagement
3. Cleaner and greener
4. Perception and image
5. Safer streets
However, the Purley BID does realise the tough challenges that are put on them and these responsibilities on top of running a business can be challenging, so we look to minimise the impact to the daily running and work load of business owners who are board members as much as possible.
If you are interested in making business in Purley better then please get in touch with CEO@inPurley.london